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Get to know you!

Many times, we take for granted the power of our thoughts. Power gives us the ability to do or be something. It can also influence us and direct the course of our day. We have to make sure that we take notice of something that powerful because it will dominate every aspect of our lives.

There is a scripture that says ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established. (Proverbs 4:26) The direction that we take with our feet is govern by the thoughts that we think. We do not move without our minds thinking about that movement.

Sometimes we can do things for so long until we function on autopilot. Therefore, our subconscious mind takes over without us consciously thinking about it. We then become established in a certain way of doing things, and we are no longer consciously aware of our position even though we are doing those things every day. To change that flow of thinking and doing, we must first take notice of the thoughts that are leading us on those paths.

On purpose think about the things that you do every day and see if it is putting you on course to where you want to be. Stop to see if your actions are leading you to the place that you want to be established in. When you ponder the paths that you are taking, you on purpose think about it. That intentional focus keeps you from going in circles or from getting off course with your life goals. When you redirect the flow of your thoughts, you will redirect the paths of your feet.

Ask these questions as you begin your inner search. How do you feel in the morning? How do you feel throughout the day? How do you feel at work? How do you feel when you eat? What is predominantly on your mind throughout the day? How do you feel at night? Are you able to sleep? Write down your answers.

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